Optimal Wellness
90 Days to the New You!
PHASE 1 | REVIVE | Days 1-15
The goal of the REVIVE Phase is to prepare the body for detoxification by raising your cellular energy and repairing the Mitochondria which is the powerhouse of your cell. A depleted and exhausted body cannot detox properly, if at all.
PHASE 2 | REMOVE | Days 16-30
The goal of the REMOVE Phase is to detoxify the body to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, increase nutrient absorption, begin repairing the Mitochondria which supports cellular energy and prepare the body for fat loss.
PHASE 3 | REBUILD | Days 31-60
The goal of the REBUILD Phase is to focus on restoring the gut lining and flora. The Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus, Adrenal Gland and Thyroid will also begin to come into balance. Hormones such as Insulin, Leptin, Ghrelin and Cortisol will lower and become much more efficient
PHASE 4 | REMAIN | Days 61– 90
In the REMAIN Phase, we are continuing to meet with you weekly to ensure that you are able to progress into your “new normal” lifestyle while maintaining your weight loss results. At this point you should feel full of energy, be sleeping great, and loving your new body!
Physician-Monitored Program
12 Weekly Wellness Consults
Life Transformation Guide
All Program Supplements Included
2 Custom Supplements For Your Specific Needs
Weekly Weigh-ins & Analysis
2 Biofeedback Scan
Weekly Vibe Plate Session
Lean Screen Measurements
Nutrition Plans
Movement Plans
Tools & Strategy
Access to Private Facebook Support Group
Email, Text , Phone Support
Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your Physician. Richeson Wellness, LLC does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Richeson Wellness, LLC are not intended to be a substitute for your conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your Physician